Setting the Stage of Calm in Newark Schools: Introducing the Hammock, Mindfulness Space
View of the Hammock Room at Sussex Avenue School with two hammocks, hand painted mandalas, soothing sounds, mindful activities from yoga, coloring, writing, guided meditation, reading, and relaxation.
As we stood by the door, a teacher walked into the former classroom and said, "I love it. It's so comfortable and so relaxing."
We're thrilled to announce our partnership with Sussex Avenue School in the launch of The Hammock, a mindfulness space that continues to set the stage of calm in the school for both faculty and students. On January 15, 2020 we invited the school’s staff to experience this new space. Unlike many other staff meetings and professional developments we've heard about, on this day all we heard was excitement, enthusiasm and appreciation for this space.
Principal Darleen Gearhart was appointed in 2012 when "Sussex Ave. was part of a Newark Public Schools' initiative launched in 2012 to turn the city's poorest performing schools into successful centers for education." according to During the last seven years through self-regulating tools provided by our organization Newark Yoga Movement (NYM), including mindfulness and yoga to reduce stress and anxiety, and increased focus and peacefulness among students and faculty, the turnaround has been deemed a tremendous success. We're still amazed at the quiet when we walk the school halls. To us, it feels like it's a weekend, but it's not; all the students are in class.
The Hammock is now a space primarily for staff to recharge, relax and rejuvenate. We designed it to be versatile to offer several mindful areas and experiences for all. There are books to inspire, mandalas to color, and spaces to express oneself creatively through writing, and actively through yoga. And if winding down and relaxation are what you require, the hammocks are there for a swing.
We got a great laugh watching one of the Assistant Superintendent's, Jose Fuentes swinging on the hammock. Little known fact he shared is that he has two hammocks in his car that at any time he can take out and tie between two trees. This man knows how to relax.
The Ultimate
The hammocks are quickly becoming a favorite.
And yes, this educator really fell asleep.
We've offered yoga to the 500+ students in the school for years and for the next two weeks, all classes are being held in The Hammock for all to check out. We'll be offering open time in The Hammock for students needing an extra dose of calm. Because everything in the room was thought out to support calm (yup, we even have an infuser with lavender essential oil,a rock fountain, tea lights and lots of plants), we are anticipating that it will also be used by the school’s social worker, art therapist and for mindful percussion programs.
The Hammock is for educators. At NYM, we have always asked school administrators to start with educators before rolling out a program. After 11 years at this, administrators are catching on. We need to keep our educators calm and stress free because it impacts students. Check out these two pieces of research saying just that.
A 2017 representative survey of 4,000 educators conducted by the American Federation of Teachers and the Badass Teachers Association found that 61% of the time, teachers were stressed. Another study noted that when teachers are stressed, students well-being and achievement tend to decline. Source: A research round up. Education Week June, 2017.
We built this room for you.
“The better you are, the better you are for students. Teaching is the most difficult job there is. It drains you emotionally, physically and spiritually so we created this space to replenish you.
To help you be better, for yourself and for all of us.”—Principal Gearhart
We were so happy when Assistant Superintendent, Kathy Duke-Jackson stopped in to see the new room . She asked Principal Gearhart if she had noticed a difference in the staff and students since having yoga and mindfulness at the school for the last several years.
"The difference is tremendous," said Gearhart.
It really took a village with passion and vision to make it happen. We initially discussed doing something like this two years ago, however there wasn't an open classroom. Now there is!!
Our NYM teachers volunteered in helping to complete the room's design and vibe by painting the space with additional painting help from. Jersey Cares, students from both Rutgers and Montclair State University and a group of Sussex Ave. students. The beautiful mandalas visualizing the chakras (or energy centers in the body) is a genuine focal point of the room with so much meaning. They were all hand painted by former NYM guide Ruth Meagher who had taught through NYM at Sussex Ave. for several years.
Top Left: Ruth painting first mandala. Top Right: Principal Gearhart and student painting. Bottom: Security Guard popping in the room to see progress. “I already feel the calm.”
We believe everything happens for a reason (don't you) so when our Executive Director, Danielle Horowitz bumped into Irina Schneid in town, it was no accident. She happens to be an architect and principal of Scharc Studio LLC and founder of Impact: Workshp, a design advocacy fellowship empowering women to impact social change through design. After hearing the vision of The Hammock, Irina was on board to help. She thought that it not only was something that would be perfect for her fellows, but one that she believed in and was inspired by.
Over eight weeks they chose colors and materials and figured out how to aesthetically divide the room into three key areas and creating function while being able to always see what is going on in the entire room. Unless you are an educator day in and day out, one might not think about things like always being able to see all students in a room that is a requirement in a school setting. The final selection of macramé dividers are interactive and functional and even have a set of beads on them for someone to breathe slowly while moving the beads. Yoga mats are stored in the built in baskets and yoga cards with specific sequences for CALM, ENERGY, PEACE and GROUNDING are clipped for easy viewing.
“I don’t do this often (coloring). I love it. I usually get carried away with things I have to do, I forget the little things that make me happy-coloring. It has cleared my mind.”—Sussex Ave. Educator
The buzz in the room was amazing, yet it was a calm buzz. We clacked the tibetan bells to get everyone's attention and bring them all through all the areas of the room. They caught on so fast and just settled in coloring, stretching or taking a swing or nap on the hammock.
Ms. Narvaez getting ready to choose her mantra (Oh and by the way, she put the board together. Thanks.)
We reminded the staff to stop by the board in the room's entrance where everyone can "choose a mantra card" upon entering which is a lot like setting a mindful intention. The vibe remains chill and peaceful also due to the increndible mindful percussion music and guided meditations created by the school's 4th and 7th grade classes! Young Audiences NJ & PA worked with them 10 weeks last year (NYM helped provide mindful context) to create this wonderful outcome. And all this was made possible due to a grant by Victoria Foundation that also earmarked some funds for the Hammock. Incredible. Make sure you listen as it will immediately give you a dose of calm.
But, really we believe the beauty is in the choice---the room can be used to meet the needs of the educator in that moment on that day, which is sure to change hourly, daily and weekly based on the circumstances inside and outside the four walls of the school.
“ When a school has a stage of calm, academic and life learning happens. This is what has been happening at Sussex Avenue School for the last seven years," states Debby Kaminsky, founder of Newark Yoga Movement.
So wouldn't you like to come check out The Hammock? You are invited anytime. Get in touch with us. We are psyched that more schools are interested in doing this in their school. Isn't the saying that immitation is the best form of flattery? We are definitely flattered and also have a strong hunch that The Hammock is about to become the busiest and most popular room in the school.
" When I come here, I will sit and ponder my thoughts. It is nice to have a chance to relax."--Sussex Ave Educator